The 6 steps that will help you escape the rat race

Does any of this sound familiar…

“When my children are older, I will start my own business…”

“When I get my promotion, I will start looking for a new job…”

“When I have 10k, 50k, 100k in my savings account, I will start pursuing my dreams…”

“When I’m financially independent, I will travel around the world…”

You can mix and match the above “When...” with the “I will...” as you see fit, and if I missed any of the ones that you tell yourself, please feel free to fill in the blanks below…

"When __________________________, I will __________________________"

Yes, I know. I’m being a bit provocative. So let me stop that and make it crystal clear instead.


It doesn’t work like that. If you continue thinking like that, it will never happen. You will not start your business, look for that new dream job, pursue your dreams or travel around the world. You just won't.

Waiting for that “When...” to come true will keep you inside the golden cage, within your comfort zone, and you will stay where you are today, tomorrow and in ten years’ time.

Maybe not at the exact same spot. But it won’t take you to the “I will…” part.

And yes, I’ve been there too. There were always one or two “When…” that held me back from breaking free from corporate and start creating the life as I wanted to live it.

Today, when I tell people about my story and what I help my clients with, I often get to hear excuses like the ones above.

The ones who say “I will do that when…” will remain stuck. They will not transform into a new role, create a life they want to live, or kick off their own business.

Until something happens, which will make them realize that life can be short, and if they don’t take action today, it might be too late.

Don’t wait for your wake-up call because it will come. I’m certain of it. They always do.

Some people gets a burnout, others a divorce, and some loses a loved one. You don’t know in advance which wake-up call that will be yours.

But you don’t need to wait for it to happen to you. You can take control of your life today. And in this article, I will show you how:

Step 1: Awareness

It all starts with you being aware. Aware of your current situation, how it is today, and where you want to be. It’s like a classical gap analysis that we do in business.

Start with your future vision, where do you want to be in 10 years’ time? Break it down into 3 and 1 years – what do you want to experience and achieve?

Put that in relation to what you spend your time, money and energy on today. What do you need to shift to achieve your vision? What do you need to be able to break those habits?

Step 2: Clarity

To be able to achieve that vision, or even the one-year plan, it will help you when you write it down. It is proven that when you write down your goals the success rate of achieving them increases with 42%. By just writing them down.

You can do this as part of a vision board, a list of your goals, or a mantra that you repeat daily.

What matters is that you write it down, because then you will be able to sort, prioritize, focus and work much more dedicated towards it.

Step 3: Accountability

You need to stop waiting for winning the lottery, or that a miracle might happen. You need to step up and become accountable for your new path.

If you feel your courage faltering, it will help to get an accountability partner. It can be your partner, a friend, an accountability group or a coach.

Step 4: Mindset

Train your brain for success. Believe in yourself and own the fact that you are capable of making it happen. You will be successful.

Step 5: Support System

Widen your network and surround yourself with other people who believe in themselves and are pursuing their own dreams.

Be inspired, listen, learn, question, and implement the bits and pieces that fit into your core values. But don’t copy. That won’t feel true to you, and you will not be as successful as you can be.

You also need to remove toxic and negative people in your surroundings. They will pull you down and prevent you from progressing.

Courage and success are contagious.


Step 6: Persistence

This is not something that will change overnight. It takes work and will be a lifelong process. Because once you’ve achieved the first level, you will want to achieve the next one, and the next one.

But the cool thing about this is also that change works like domino bricks. Once you’ve pushed the first one, the rest of them will follow automatically.

You are capable.

You are worthy.

You can do this!

If you want to kick it all off, but don't really know how, then I suggest you join our FREE FB Group Community “From Enthusiast to Entrepreneur”. There you’ll meet, and have the opportunity to exchange ideas and thoughts with other like-minded. And you’ll also be able to attend FREE trainings & workshops hosted by the Empowered Entrepreneur Team.

Looking forward to seeing you on the inside!


Does the thought of what others might say hold you back?


Money, money, money - 8 easy actions that will help you break free from the golden cage