How to master your marketing campaign

Learn how to NAIL your Marketing Campaign and Amplify Your Business

If we learned anything from Mad Men, it's that advertising and promotion are the key to making big bucks. And It's true that if you can master the formula for the perfect Marketing Campaign your business can truly take off. But what do those words actually mean? And how do you become a master when it comes to your marketing campaign?

But first,

Let's iron out some infamous buzzwords so you know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to your marketing campaign strategy.

One of the key things to understand is that MARKETING and PROMOTION are not the same thing . . .

Marketing is the overall strategy and direction of your brand & business with the inclusion of all your products, services and projects.

Whereas, a Marketing Campaign is essentially a funnel of your business used in a more narrow sense to promote a specific course, product or service offered by your business. 

A marketing campaign is a form of PROMOTION.

So, what’s the difference?

Simply put - your marketing campaign is a branch of your usual marketing and branding activities. It remains in accordance with your overall objectives but it can deviate a little.

For example, think about the Superbowl commercials and how big brands, although they have branding sets, do a different commercial and marketing promotion each year - but overall, they are connected with their branding and business objectives.


The second key thing we want to cover before we get started is the notion of being too spammy or salesy when we are in PROMO mode. 

Delete this from your mindset - it should have no airtime when you are building your business. If you have a hobby then yes, feel free to be as low key when it comes to promoting the thing you love BUT if you are a business it is your job to promote your offer.

Think of it as having PROMOTION AND SALES WEEKS and after that you can dedicate more time to growing and nurturing your audience.

But we hear you - deleting the sales fears from your mindset is easier said than done, so when they creep back in, remind yourself of these three facts:

  1. Your marketing campaign is constructed so that you can reach the right people and potential clients to provide massive value

  2. Time is precious, and even if your promo-offer is for FREE, time also means money. You know that what you offer is worth people's time and money.

  3. The average online post/promotion that people need to see before they convert, or that they even acknowledge you is 21 TIMES!

Keep on sharing your messaging on the platforms that you prefer.

One time is essentially zero times.

OK, now we can get down to nailing your marketing campaign 


When you start promoting, the No1 thing you need to remember is that going live one time, or publishing one post is not enough.

You need to do it eeevery day.


Consistency is key,

An athlete who trains to become best in class will not win any race if they exercise once every other week. They need to show up consistently. And the same goes for you and your business. 

To increase your audience, and also your reach, you need to train those muscles, you need to be there. 

Clear Call To Action,

Don't leave your audience hanging and having to guess as to how they can sign-up and learn more from you.

Be clear about the Call To Action (CTA).

Web Page

  • If you have a website, change the header during your promotional phase. Make sure the first thing visitors see on your webpage is an eyecatching, easy to digest advert for your offer. 

  • Add a pop-up sign up offer or link to your promotion on any other pages too.

Facebook Page

  • Post daily and all posts should have a similar CTA for the product or service offering you are marketing

  • Change your FB cover banner to be in line with the offer and update your bio description with all the details a potential lead might need

  • Post a link to the offer in the comments. Research shows that links in the actual post reach a smaller number of people

  • Don’t forget the all-important Facebook Live - this is how you gain trust

  • Look at using Facebook adverts inside business suite rather than just boosting a post - these are much more targeted to your ideal client and audience


  • Make sure your profile description is clear and communicates your offer

  • Post daily - alternate carousels, movies, posts, pictures and reels

  • Find profiles that resonate with your niche and comment and engage with them

  • Don’t forget the stories, think of them as another place you can show up and offer value and promotion

  • The ULTIMATE TIP is to always offer value to your followers - and the only way to really grow and build your community!


  • Batch and schedule emails to your list and as always use the same CTA during the promotion

  • Don’t forget to switch things up though and also send out general Newsletters that offer value and nurture any colder subscribers whilst also holding the attention of those who have signed up for what you are offering >> even though they already signed up you need to cuddle them until the program starts


  • Change your cover banner, drawing attention to your offer

  • Post during times when your audience is there

  • Depending on your offering and ideal client, LI can be an amazing platform to utilize for your campaign

  • Be consistent but overt sales promo - you need to nurture your audience here with 100% value

  • Update the "about" section with relevant information and a clear CTA

Facebook Group

  • The best way to grow and network inside Facebook other than ads is the Facebook groups - join somewhere your ideal clients hang out

  • Answer as many questions as you can, and never miss out on an opportunity to promote your offer in the designated posts

  • Make sure you contact the admins or read the rules before posting singular promo posts so you don’t get banned

  • Engage the members of the groups by posting questions and giving value or behind the scenes posts - although not direct promotion, you can create genuine connections this way and provide authentic solutions with your offering

Some final tips to NAIL your Marketing Campaign…


Use your IG posts again by directly posting to your Facebook page, and change it up a little for your LinkedIn or vice versa


Block a few hours and make a plan and do multiple post for the whole week


Don’t wing it, do a spreadsheet or a google doc and write all the dates in a month and outline the posts

We know that mastering your marketing strategy can be overwhelming, and time-consuming,

which is why we also put it into a done for you Guide


The 4 Core Steps you need to implement to Show Up For Yourself


How to overcome the fear of posting on social media